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Picturing a World

Ann Southeran's glass

Blog post alert and website links: Yea! Women continue to make gorgeous stained glass. Spitalfield Life's post on windows depicting champions made for an Oxford Street pub led me to artist Ann Southeran's website. A Google search then quickly turned up Stained Glass Ceilings: 5 Women Artists Working In Glass That You Should Know.

For older art, I knew about The Women Of Tiffany Studios. An article on medieval working women even supplies the name of a 14th glass worker, Guillemma, who studied with a pictoressa named Alazacia.
Besides a huge topic worth exploring in itself, the craft of producing stained and painted glass could make a fascinating setting for fiction. Enclosed worlds with specialized intricacies are perfect for murder mysteries. Diana Wynne Jones made good use of stained glass for magic in fiction, most fully in Enchanted Glass (her sister Isobel Armstrong wrote a very dense academic study of Victorian glass). And as readers of this blog know, I believe historical fiction can be a good way to explore the experience of women have studied or practiced arts and fine crafts.

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